[development] .tpl-ifying Drupal

Robin Monks robin at civicspacelabs.org
Fri May 4 00:25:03 UTC 2007

Sounds good!

Keep up the good work ;-)


On 5/3/07, Earl Miles <merlin at logrus.com> wrote:
> Robin Monks wrote:
> > Hey,
> >
> >   From someone who hasn't really been following the changes, but who
> > really hates PHPTemplate (which is designed more toward developers,
> > rather than graphics artists and end users IMHO) and would much rather
> > use Smarty... Will Smarty still be available as an option in 6?  AKA.
> > Will theme engines support still be there?
> >
> > Robin
> In fact, I believe that smarty will be better (assuming someone maintains
> it
> and ports it to Drupal 6) due to these changes.
> The actual code in phptemplate.engine has been vastly reduced, and much of
> what
> it does has been made inherent to Drupal, and it the PHPTemplate renderer
> has
> been made the default renderer. Theme engines tell Drupal to use a
> different
> renderer (and, if they like a different extension).
> Additionally, theming with templates has been broken up into two sections,
> one
> for pre-processing, which is designed to transform data into something
> more
> suited for presentation (i.e, business logic), leaving the actual
> presenting to
> the template (presentation code).
> If you're familiar with the _phptemplate_variables() function in
> PHPTemplate,
> what we've done is made it so that *every* theme template gets one
> (actually, a
> series) of these in order to massage the variables so that the template
> itself
> can do as little as possible. Let's take a fairly minor example:
> Grabbing a theme function from aggregator module:
> function theme_aggregator_feed($feed) {
>    $output  = '<div class="feed-source">';
>    $output .= theme('feed_icon', $feed->url) ."\n";
>    $output .= $feed->image;
>    $output .= '<div class="feed-description">'.
> aggregator_filter_xss($feed->description) ."</div>\n";
>    $output .= '<div class="feed-url"><em>'. t('URL:') .'</em> '.
> l($feed->link,
> $feed->link, array('absolute' => TRUE)) ."</div>\n";
>    if ($feed->checked) {
>      $updated = t('@time ago', array('@time' => format_interval(time() -
> $feed->checked)));
>    }
>    else {
>      $updated = t('never');
>    }
>    if (user_access('administer news feeds')) {
>      $updated = l($updated, 'admin/content/aggregator');
>    }
>    $output .= '<div class="feed-updated"><em>'. t('Updated:') . "</em>
> $updated</div>";
>    $output .= "</div>\n";
>    return $output;
> }
> That's not terribly bad on its own, but it has a couple of things we
> really
> don't like to see at the theme layer, particularly that filter_xss, which
> is a
> real bear when using an alternate theme. The way this will look in Drupal
> 6
> will be, approximately:
> /**
>   * All arguments sent to the theme template will be in $variables. The
> only
>   * argument this template accepts is 'feed', so we'll look there.
>   */
> function template_preprocess_aggregator_feed(&$variables) {
>    $feed = $variables['feed'];
>    $variables['feed_icon'] = theme('feed_icon', $feed->url);
>    $variables['feed_image'] = $feed->image;
>    $variables['description'] = aggregator_filter_xss($feed->description);
>    $variables['feed_url'] = l($feed->link, $feed->link, array('absolute'
> => TRUE));
>    if ($feed->checked) {
>      $variables['updated'] = t('@time ago', array('@time' =>
> format_interval(time() - $feed->checked)));
>    }
>    else {
>      $variables['updated'] = t('Never');
>    }
>    if (user_access('administer news feeds')) {
>      $variables['updated'] = l($updated, 'admin/content/aggregator');
>    }
> }
> And then, aggregator_feed.tpl.php will look like this:
> <div class="feed-source">
> <?php print $feed_url ?>
> <?php print $feed_image ?>
> <div class="feed-description">
>    <?php print $description ?>
> </div>
> <div class="feed-url">
>    <em><?php print t('URL:') ?></em> <?php print $feed_url ?>
> </div>
> <div class="feed-updated">
>    <?php print t('Updated:') ?></em> <?php print $updated ?>
> </div>
> As you can see, this template can be in almost any language, with the
> exception
> that it probably should somehow support t(). However, it doesn't have to,
> because we have preserved and improved the old _phptemplate_variables()
> functionality. You can create this function:
> phptemplate_preprocess_aggregator_feed(&$variables) {
>   ...
> }
> Or
> phptemplate_engine_preprocess_aggregator_feed(&$variables) {
>   ...
> }
> Or
> garland_preprocess_aggregator_feed(&$variables) {
>   ...
> }
> Note that the engine gets its very own preprocess function if it needs it.
> This
> isn't used by PHPTemplate at all, at this point, but other templating
> engines
> may need it to do auto-transformation should they so desire.
> }

Robin Monks
@ www.civicspacelabs.org
@ www.gmking.org

Fax: (419) 791-8076

"Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use
regular expressions." Now they have two problems." ~IRC
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