[development] drupal.org downtime tomorrow

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Wed May 23 14:29:05 UTC 2007

Quoting Konstantin Käfer <kkaefer at gmail.com>:

>> I know I'm not going to win any popularity points for saying this,  
>> but is there no possibility we could be doing this outside of  
>> regular US business hours?
> At any give time, there are business hours somewhere in the world.

There is only one value for time; it is the representation of time and 
the use of the time value that is different in different parts of the 
world.  Global community means we must bend our views of time and 
represent it as one value always in order to collaborate with one 
another.  I foresee that time zones will eventually become meaningless 
except for the representation of where the sun is over the earth in the 
far distant future.  Global collaboration is something I live with in 
my ``Real Job''(tm) daily.


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