[development] Installation profiles: here is what missing

Gábor Hojtsy gabor at hojtsy.hu
Sun Nov 11 14:11:00 UTC 2007

On Nov 11, 2007 1:20 PM, Simon Hobbs <emspace.com.au at gmail.com> wrote:
> Adrian
> You've identified a major issue for me. If my goal is to make happy
> with the usability, I can't seem to escape having a supporting module.
> I really appreciate the razor you've applied to this problem! I'm with
> you on this.
> An added benefit of the profile being active after install (based on
> my D5 experience here) is the ability to have a wizard.

D5 install profiles can have one screen to display after the database
configuration, Drupal 6 profiles can have their own "state machine"
built into the installer after the "Configure site" screen and the
"Finished" screen (also the Configure screen is form_alter-able). So
any kind of install wizard is possible, without having a module. We
are trying to fix bugs to make this kind of feature play nice with
localization even here: http://drupal.org/node/190283


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