[development] New core install profiles for D6? (was Re: Early Drupal 6 review from Chris Messina)

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Tue Nov 13 19:25:51 UTC 2007

On Nov 13, 2007, at 11:06 AM, Derek Wright wrote:

> Their only job is to enable/configure core modules and potentially  
> generate some initial content...

Furthermore, the point of these additional core profiles is to show  
people what Drupal can do, and help them climb the learning curve,  

If so, I'd like to propose that each additional core profile include  
a README.txt file that explains in some (but not overwhelming)  
detail, exactly what that profile is doing beyond the basic  

For example, the "blogging" profile's README.txt might look something  
like this:

This profile configures a Drupal installation to be optimized for a  
multi-user blogging site.  It performs the following tasks:

* Creates a new content type called "Blog post" (admin/content/types/ 

* Configures this type with the following behaviors: (admin/content/ 
-- Display these posts on the front page of your site by default  
("Promote to front page")
-- Enable comments

* Creates a system for tagging the blog posts (admin/taxonomy/...)
-- Creates a "vocabulary" called "blog tags"
-- Configures this to be a "free tagging" vocabulary


Especially if these profiles included a page during the install  
wizard that displayed the README.txt file (as many install wizards  
do), this could definitely help people figure this stuff out, or  
learn how to make these same sorts of changes to an existing site,  
etc, etc.

-Derek (dww)

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