[development] Do not let postgresql hold back great patches

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Thu Nov 29 20:17:32 UTC 2007

On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 12:58:52 -0600
Larry Garfield <larry at garfieldtech.com> wrote:

> Please make a handbook page out of them, and put it near (probably
> as a child of) the "setting up a dev environment" handbook page.
> We should probably have one for MySQL and one for Postgres (and if
> we add SQLite at a later date, one for that, too).  Email is far
> too ephemeral to be a good reference.  Thanks!

Christoph Otto (Volt)" <a-chotto at microsoft.com> from (guess)
Microsoft is trying to port D6 to MS SQL. He posted 2 weeks ago about
some issues with serial/sequences/identity and I think he can offer
an interesting point of view about DB abstraction layers and the
issues he encountered in porting D6 to Microsoft SQL.

I recently had to write my classes to speed up paging in MS SQL
without renouncing to all the lovely stuff Drupal can offer and well
it was instructive.

I think the experience people trying to port D6 to MS SQL have
accumulated may be of interest to all.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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