[development] [VERY LONG] localization of currency, float, dates accordingly to language chosen

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Thu Oct 11 13:56:10 UTC 2007

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 10:48:09 +0200
"Gábor Hojtsy" <gabor at hojtsy.hu> wrote:

> On 10/11/07, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo <mail at webthatworks.it> wrote:
> > I've used i18n in the past (4.7?) and I had mixed feelings.
> I have read all your email through in the hopes that I will be able
> to reply, but I would sit here all morning, through to lunch to
> reply to all your points (two hours to lunch now), so let me give

Thanks for your interest.

> you some pointers instead. It is a good idea to look what is the
> actual state before throwing (good!) ideas around about how things
> should be done, and how simple are those actually. I'd suggest you

Your thesis was enlightening about all the new features and solutions
and current status. After reading your email and your thesis I still
have some critique but I'll follow your suggestion and find the time
to install Drupal 6.
My general feeling is that translations and taxonomies are too highly
coupled... I won't comment further without some more knowledge on my
part of the current status, but I think you got an idea about what I
mean from my previous email.
Reading your thesis I got more conscious about why translations looks
so coupled but well we both have a lot of stuff to digest and I'll
wait better moments to get into details.

I ask you just a bit of patience more for my rudeness but at this
time my module is agnostic of the drupal version and non Italian
content still have to be thought... but I need a smooth path to have
localised strings (dates, float, currency...). Any help on this?

I read in your thesis:
"Local functionality By implementing a custom install profile, I
distributed the Hungar- ian interface translation with local
functionality for Hungarian date format support and features for
common hosts, beginning with Drupal 5.1 [38]."

Just dates? what about float? is this stuff already ready and hidden
somewhere in the source of 5.2?

thanks a lot, great work.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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