[development] [VERY LONG] localization of currency, float, dates accordingly to language chosen

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Thu Oct 11 18:22:51 UTC 2007

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 18:17:15 +0200
"Gábor Hojtsy" <gabor at hojtsy.hu> wrote:

> There are of course more things to set per language. This is why
> i18n module makes the site settings translatable. For example,
> there are three different date formats (short, mid, long) supported
> by Drupal, so each language would need a setting for all three.

OK... then somewhere based on Reyero's work I could add date format
variables, float format variables etc...

> What is the difference here between string localization and
> interface language? What's a string localization?

dates, float, I couldn't find a better name.

> > and use functions like
> >
> > function drupal_number_format($number,$locale=null) {
> >   if(!$locale) {
> >   if(isset($user->string_locale)) {
> >     $locale=$user->string_locale;
> >   } else {
> >         $locale=locale_criteria($user->language,$node->language);
> >   }
> >   return
> > number_format($number,$locale->number_format($locale));
> > }
> >
> > where $locale->number_format[1] should return the string set into
> > the admin/settings/locale for the proper locale.

> Well, this code looks very messy. You call $locale->number_format

It is indeed ;)

> like a function, but then use it like an array, but say it returns
> something. Also locale_criteria seems to be undefined (you did not

locale->number_format will be a localised variable of i18n

locale_criteria should be a function that chose which locale apply to
date, float, currency if user didn't make a choice based on other
"locale" parameters (as $user->language and current content language).

I do see a path that doesn't require me to solve the problem now and
it looks reasonably slick...

I just have to add to my module (the one not related to
localisation) functions like this:

i18n_number_format($float,$decimals=null,$language=null) {
	return number_format($float,$decimals,",",".");	

for the Italian part I'm developing... then install i18n and build a
module that will provide an interface to set the format for the
most common things for each supported language, move all the
functions in the new module and make them aware of the localised
variable and the $user->language.
locale_criteria could be retro-fitted even later... after all I just
need to provide localised versions for dates, currencies and floats.
I wouldn't have to change many functions... and the interface of the
functions will remain stable.

Then I could add validation of strings to pass to the php functions
and have an install script that fill the most common format for the
most common languages.


Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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