[development] Summer of Code status update (and please review apps ; ))

Angela Byron drupal-devel at webchick.net
Tue Apr 1 20:36:04 UTC 2008

I'll try to keep it brief. Here's the short version:

Hey, you!
Yes, you.
Go to http://groups.drupal.org/soc-2008.
Review apps.
Thanks! :D

And now, the long version. ;)

- As of this moment, 55 Summer of Code applications have been submitted 
for Drupal. Woohoo!

- Google has extended students' application deadline until April 7 
(Monday), which gives them an extra week to apply.

- This means if you have an interesting idea for a student to work on 
that didn't make the deadline before, you still have a couple days to 
write it up and try and entice a student to work on it.

- If you have a spare 5 minutes in your day the *best way to help* this 
week is to provide feedback on a student's project idea at 
http://groups.drupal.org/soc-2008. After commenting on anything in your 
specific realm of expertise, aim for the apps with the lowest number of 
comments first.

- Also, idling in #drupal and keeping an eye out for student questions 
is an extra bonus.

- Next week is when application ranking is going to commence; dmitri and 
some other Drupal folks are working on a Drupal app to help with this, 
both for our own use and for other mentoring organizations. I'm not 
exactly sure the current status of that, but ping dmitri if you'd like 
to help.

- I am going to be more or less *completely afk* from Thursday, April 3 
until Monday, April 14 while the 'bots are doing training in Australia, 
so I won't be able to help with any of the administrative stuff. :\ 
Please don't e-mail me cos I likely won't have the chance to respond. :(

- If you wish to be a SoC mentor and for some reason you're not yet 
signed up @ http://code.google.com/soc/2008/mentor_home.html and 
http://groups.drupal.org/soc-2008-mentors, chx, dmitri, cwgordon, and 
jbrauer all have admin access.

- If you have any SoC-related questions, best bet is to ask in #drupal; 
there are about 100 people in there who've participated in SoC before at 
some level and know the score.

I think that's everything. :)


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