[development] blank screen at line 1
Victor Kane
victorkane at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 10:55:39 UTC 2008
Hi Lluis,
Just taking a shot in the dark here...obviously there are many
possibilities. One is that the submit handler of your custom form (I am
assuming this is the case) may be erroneously returning an invalid value
(should be no return at all to continue on same page, or a valid Drupal path
to go there after submit), or else doing something weird.
See Forms API reference: http://drupal.org/node/37775
See (assuming Drupal 5) "Redirecting users after submitting a form in Drupal
5: http://drupal.org/node/134000
Victor Kane
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 7:28 AM, Lluís <enboig at gmail.com> wrote:
> while developing a module, I have just started to recieve white screen
> every time I submit a form (besides form gets submited).
> In some cases I have been able to see this error:
> warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
> (output started at
> /var/www/ccc/sites/all/modules/comptacau/comptacau.module:1) in
> /var/www/ccc/includes/common.inc on line 141.
> but I file comptacau.module have no white spaces at start. Any hint of
> how to track this problem?
> thanks
> PS: memory limit is set to 256 just in case it was a memory problem,
> but apache reports no problem with memory.
> --
> *Envellim quan els records superen les esperances.
> *Als llocs desconeguts només s'hi arriba per camins desconeguts.
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