[development] DrupalToughLove.com launches (from chx and Morbus, gasp!)

andrew morton drewish at katherinehouse.com
Thu Apr 10 17:20:01 UTC 2008

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Morbus Iff <morbus at disobey.com> wrote:
>  From the mission statement:
>  "We all make mistakes; that's how we learn. Sometimes, though, we need
> someone to point out our mistakes, to sift through the chaos that is
> Drupal's contributions repository. Inspired by a comment on Morbus's code
> quality entry, chx and Morbus have taken up the task of giving some tough
> love to Drupal's greatest strength: the army of developers using its APIs.
> Want your own code publicly reviewed? Let us know!"
>  http://www.drupaltoughlove.com/

Great. Now setup some sort of queue where I can throw in a couple of
my modules for a thrashing ;)


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