[development] New advanced help module

Jose A. Reyero drupal at reyero.net
Tue Apr 22 00:02:54 UTC 2008

Daniel F. Kudwien wrote:
>> Well, I think Jose refers to those developers "out there", 
>> who might develop custom modules for local (non-English 
>> sites), and might not want / be able to write English help 
>> pages. Hacking in empty base files for English might not be a 
>> good option.
>> Gabor
> Isn't this an edge-case?  Even if my primary language is German, I will
> write the module documentation in English first.  By doing that module
> developers ensure that a module (including its documentation) is actually
> usable for all Drupal users, speaking all kind of different languages.
> Also, by doing that I often determine phrases that may be hard to translate
> into other languages, including German.
> Daniel
There are modules and modules, and clients and clients you may work for.
Some modules are just too site specific to be contributed, though the
site may need later an English translation (or not).

And when developing a custom module for a client, even if you are
allowed to contribute it later, I don't think it's ok to charge the
client for the time to write an English documentation page (plus
changes, fixes and retranslations) they don't need at all. Unless of
course the work is meant to be contributed from the start so you write
English docs first.

That said, it's not my case anymore as I work now most of the time for
the 'English speaking world' :-), and most of the time the question is
more 'how can we make this generic enough to be contributable', but the
other case is not that rare.

Many modules are born because of very specific website or people's needs
and may end up in contrib or not, not because we developers don't want
to, but sometimes it just doesn't make sense. So just lets make easier
it to happen.


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