[development] FAQ: Why is Drupal still using CVS when X is a much better choice?

Angela Byron drupal-devel at webchick.net
Fri Aug 1 04:52:49 UTC 2008

Angela Byron wrote:
> Since we're all sick of answering this question every week, I've made an 
> attempt at documenting this here:
> http://drupal.org/node/289117
> If someone has some of the old threads laying around and could help 
> flesh that page out (esp. with "here's where you jump in if you want to 
> change this" stuff), that'd be lovely.
> -Angie

Ok, I believe http://drupal.org/node/289117 now reflects most of what 
was covered in this thread:

* Pros and cons of Subversion
* Pros and cons of DVCS (needs work)
* Note that SVN is likely the best choice.
* Fleshed out "How you can help"
* Changed the FAQ to "Why is Drupal still using CVS and how can I help 
change that?" to appease Moshe. :D

I'm sure I'm missing stuff. Please help. The revisions tab is lonely. ;)


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