[development] What about reviewing patches?

Katherine Senzee katherine at esquaredworkshops.com
Wed Aug 13 20:08:58 UTC 2008

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Nathaniel Catchpole
<catch56 at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Some patch reviews take less than 30 seconds, especially when the
> issue queue is long and has lots of stale patches in it.

I'm not sure I follow. I review patches when I get the time, but I
figure on at least 20 minutes -- read the issue, check out HEAD, apply
the patch, create a new database, install the test site,
download/install devel, generate stuff, see if the patch works as
advertised, post my review. If I have a recent enough HEAD install I
figure I can skip the database bit and just use my existing database,
but it's still a decent chunk of time. What am I doing wrong?

Katherine Senzee (ksenzee)

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