[development] So why we do support postgresql?

Daniel F. Kudwien news at unleashedmind.com
Wed Jan 16 21:58:07 UTC 2008

> > No one is advocating that Drupal be MySQL only. No one is 
> advocating 
> > that we rip out PostgreSQL support from Drupal.
> I've read where Karoly wrote that we should be mysql only. 
> Not arguing either way. Just pointing out there are those who 
> think we should be mysql only.

Supporting more than MySQL is important, especially for larger/integration
projects. If Drupal did not have PostGreSQL support "1 year 42 weeks" ago,
me and possibly some others would probably not be here today.

Please don't mistake cause and effect. I still believe that there *are*
enough postgres-guys already. However, there is no list for postgres-related
issues that can be accessed easily.

> On Jan 15, 2008, at 12:07 PM, Daniel F. Kudwien wrote:
> > Why don't we add another vocabulary for global issue 
> categories like 
> > 'PostGreSQL', 'Performance', 'JavaScript', etc. ?
> ...
> > Realization of this proposal would include that the category of an 
> > issue could be altered in an issue follow-up, and not just 
> at the time 
> > of issue creation.
> http://drupal.org/node/187480
> -Derek (dww)

Thanks for this hint, Derek. I didn't follow-up because I don't think a
free-tagging vocab will help us here. IMHO, we need something we can put in
the visible navigation for d.o users. Yes, free tags are not limited to a
few terms. However, because of that, it's harder to build a fixed list of
issue topics based on them.

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