[development] howto about git and drupal modules maintain

Richard Burford rich at freestylesystems.co.uk
Wed Jul 30 14:53:52 UTC 2008

I watched a talk by Linus Lorvalds on Git:


It's quite entertaining if nothing else.

Git seems to have real benefits when lots of people will be working on  
the same code and there is one moderator deciding what they want to  
'pull' into the main branch.

CVS is a pain, especially for beginners like me but I feel, since it's  
necessary for Drupal I just have to get used to it.

Here's some information on Git vs SVN:



On 30 Jul 2008, at 15:39, Jerad Bitner wrote:

> This looks really good, and may just give me the excuse I've been  
> looking
> for to get into GIT, as CVS is somewhat of a pain IMO... but what I  
> have yet
> to see is someone explain the pros and cons.
> GIT still looks to me like it's just a bunch more commands to try to
> memorize. Does anyone have some resources that clearly outline why  
> anyone
> would want to use GIT over CVS or even SVN?
> Thanks,
> ~Jerad
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 12:57 AM, Gordon Heydon  
> <gordon at heydon.com.au>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This looks really cool.
>> I do all the e-Commerce development in git and esp when working  
>> with many
>> branches it is so easy to keep it all in line with different  
>> versions.
>> Fixing a bug in 1 very can very easily be copied to another branch,  
>> and I
>> find that they will convert 80% of the time with no manual effort.
>> However I don't like the CVS integration as much as I like the SVN
>> integration. The SVN integration work much more like just another git
>> repository and once you have made all the changes you can pass in  
>> all the
>> commits at once. it is quite cool.
>> Gordon.
>> On 30/07/2008, at 1:25 PM, Marco Antonio Villegas Vega wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>> I posted a little how to about maintaining drupal modules using git:
>>> http://drupal.org/node/288873
>>> I'm sending this email because I see high activity on git related  
>>> mails.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> ________________________________
>>>   Marco Antonio Villegas Vega
>>> ( __ - __ )       Ing. Informatica
>>> http://blog.pucp.edu.pe/marvil07
>>> !DSPAM:1000,488fdef1230554881810528!

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