[development] How does the CVS packaging script work?

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Thu Jul 31 19:03:40 UTC 2008

On Jul 31, 2008, at 11:16 AM, Sam Boyer wrote:

> BTW, that reminds me - Derek (or anyone who knows), how does the  
> current
> release packaging system work? Does it iterate over the whole repo and
> check for changes, or does CVS notify it about the creation of new
> release tags so that it can target its efforts more efficiently? Sorry
> if there's a page explaining that somewhere...


There's a page explaining parts of it, but that's on  
infrastructure.drupal.org, and that means the vast majority of the  
people reading this message won't have permission to view it.

So, I just wrote it up here:


-Derek (dww)

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