[development] Code freeze?

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Thu Jun 26 15:16:18 UTC 2008

To jump on the "yes, please delay" train...

On Jun 26, 2008, at 2:08 AM, Dries Buytaert wrote:

> Given the current state of things...

A few other facts of the current state:

a) Due to multiple crisis in my personal life, and launching my first  
really major Drupal site, I've had practically no time to work on  
project*.  Therefore, drupal.org is still running D5.  A code freeze  
on D7 before upgrading d.o to D6 seems like a terrible idea. ;)

b) There are some significant improvements and fixes that need to  
happen to Update status, and Earl has his hands full with the "chaos  
suite" in contrib.

c) Aside from project*, I've got a few other important contribs that  
aren't 6.x-1.0 material yet.

d) As a result of a-c, I've been almost entirely out of the loop on  
D7 development.  I was starting to get a little bummed out that I was  
going to completely miss the chance to seriously work on core for the  
D7 release at all.

Personal factors aside, I also support the more general "slow down,  
already" sentiment. ;)  Drupal adoption is obviously taking off in a  
big way.  I think our "we must be reborn every year or we die"  
attitude is running up against the reality of "if they rewrite  
themselves every year, I can't make use of this platform" in the real  
world.  I'm thrilled we don't maintain backwards compatibility, but I  
do think we need to reconsider the pace of major releases.

-Derek (dww)

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