[development] Bulk Import and Action Help

Ben Wheeler bennybobw at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 20:55:44 UTC 2008

Thanks Peter,
I added an issue to the triggers issue queue here:

If that's not the right place, I'll happily move it.

>FYI, Nodequeue 5.2.x comes with with just such an action.

Moshe, unless I misread something, I'm pretty sure that the action in
Nodequeue 5.x.2 is an "old-style" action. I did re-use that code to
make mine though.


>From playing with actions/triggers in 6.x I noticed that seemed
>impossible to get it to work on more than one node per page load due
>(I think)  to internal caching.   I'm guessing the same may be true in

>Perhaps you should look at the issue queue and/or open an issue about this.


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