[development] Slow down with the official releases of contrib already, ok? ; )

Darrel O'Pry darrel.opry at gmail.com
Thu May 22 17:13:39 UTC 2008

I think I'm more offended by update status in core, than people creating
releases. :) All I ever wanted from the release system was a way to branch
and version my code. I'd be really happy to see update_status disabled in
core by default or be made less noisy ie) only make noise on sec update...
Frankly contrib dev is noisy, and I don't see that changing.

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Derek Wright <drupal at dwwright.net> wrote:

> I've noticed quite a few projects that seem to think the best time to make
> a new official release is after every CVS commit.  While I'm happy to see
> people actually making official releases, please don't do this. ;)
> A) Constant stream of noise for your users thinking they have to keep
> upgrading all the time (via update_status, etc).
> B) Wasteful of resources (burns up diskspace on d.o for all the tarballs,
> bandwidth for all the downloads, etc).
> C) Wasteful of RAM for sites using one of your modules with update_status
> (update_status needs to download and parse an XML file describing the
> history of all your module's releases -- as the # of modules on a site
> grows, and as the number of releases of your module for a given version of
> core grows, the RAM consumption starts to go through the roof -- see
> http://drupal.org/node/238950).
> D) A new tarball after every CVS commit is exactly what the automatically
> re-generated development snapshot releases are for:
> http://drupal.org/handbook/cvs/releases/types#snapshot
> Please don't cry wolf.  Only make a new official release when it's really
> worth it for everyone to upgrade.
> Thanks,
> -Derek (dww)
> p.s. Learn about this and other best practices for release management by
> reading the very concise 2 page handout about the topic I gave out at my
> talk at the Boston DrupalCon:
> http://drupal.org/files/maintain-release-handout.pdf
> p.p.s. If anyone wants to help fix update(_status)?.module to be less RAM
> hungry, please join us over at http://drupal.org/node/238950.
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