[development] Slow down with the official releases of contrib already, ok? ; )

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Thu May 22 17:30:42 UTC 2008

On May 22, 2008, at 10:13 AM, Darrel O'Pry wrote:

> I think I'm more offended by update status in core, than people  
> creating releases. :)

Them's fightin' words! ;)

> All I ever wanted from the release system was a way to branch and  
> version my code.

That's a good start, and one of my first itches I was scratching.

> I'd be really happy to see update_status disabled in core by default

You're obviously not a member of the security team.

> or be made less noisy ie) only make noise on sec update...

Already a knob for this.

> Frankly contrib dev is noisy, and I don't see that changing.

I'm not (yet) ready to give up my multi-year quest to bring  
enlightenment about release management to the Drupal project as a  
whole.  Help in this crusade is appreciated.  Nay sayers will be ... ;)

-Derek (dww)

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