[development] Unsetting form values on validate

Andrew Berry andrewberry at sentex.net
Tue Oct 21 04:29:29 UTC 2008

On 20-Oct-08, at 11:05 PM, Michael Prasuhn wrote:

> I am building a directory listing type site and trying to keep all  
> my listings in one node type.

I'm curious as to why CCK with a bunch of optional fields doesn't work  
for this. Could you not do a bit of custom PHP to validate fields  
within CCK?

> One of the things I'd like to be able to do, is upon validation of  
> the node, throw out any form values that do not match the type of  
> listing they have chosen (so that the values won't be shown on the  
> node preview, for example).

I don't think that's really the purpose of the validation hook.  
Typically, you should throw errors with form_set_error() to indicate  
why the data submitted is invalid. Even if you could make it work, I  
would think you'd have some pretty confused users wondering where  
their data went, thinking that the preview or the site was broken.

> What is the best way to go about this?

Perhaps presave, or prepare hooks could do it? But based on the  
information you've given, I really think this is a solution for  
multiple content types + CCK.

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