[development] Drupal Test Suites

Kieran Lal kieran at acquia.com
Fri Oct 24 18:40:01 UTC 2008

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Steven Surowiec
<steven at digitalpulp.com> wrote:
> Ah ha, thanks for the info. I'll have to see if I can get this to integrate
> with PHPUnderControl at all. Will keep the list updated if I run into any
> problems with doing so. I notice D7 is using their own testing framework
> instead of using PHPUnit, which is why I'm skeptical about being able to
> integrate them, but I'll have to see. Where there's a nerd with
> determination, there's a way.

To add to that we are now on our second iteration of an automated
patch testing platform.  Starting with a summer of code project by Rok
Zlender we developed automated patch testing around the simple test
framework.  Rok continued his work as a mentor for the second year.
In September 2007, we started building http://testing.drupal.org to do
patch testing and simpletests focused on 4.7, 5, and Drupal 6.

The simpletest framework for core changed pretty radically from the
simpletest framework so for Drupal 7 we had to redo parts of the
automated testing framework.  Jimmy Berry a GHOP student moved his
efforts from core tests to automated testing.  Last night we complete
the 2300th automated patch test from the Drupal project issue queue.

Chad Phillips extended the project module on Drupal.org to send
patches for automated testing and allow for report backs.  Now that we
are confident that automated patch testing is stable, we plan to start
reporting back to the issue queue, which patches are valid, and what
tests they pass and fail.

For a history of this project in detail see:

We are recruiting developers to help with automated patch testing.  We
believe we have a thousands of hours of tests for core to be written
and we can always use a hand with improving the automated testing

> Brad Bowman wrote:
>> Fantastic idea. So good we already did it :) The SimpleTest module was
>> committed to core in June I believe, for the contrib version of the
>> project check out http://drupal.org/project/simpletest
>> Drupal 7 will ship with the SimpleTest module included, as well as a
>> handful of tests. There is still work to be done though, so if you'd
>> like to get involved you can dive into the list of issues here:
>> http://drupal.org/project/issues?projects=3060&components=tests&states=1,16,8,13,14,15,2,4
>> Thanks,
>> Brad
>> Aten Design Group
>> Phone: 303.831.0449
>> On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Steven Surowiec
>> <steven at digitalpulp.com> wrote:
>>> I've been working on several Drupal projects for work and am thinking of
>>> getting an install of PHPUnderControl (http://www.phpundercontrol.org)
>>> and
>>> was wondering if there's any tests for Drupal core that are publicly
>>> available I'd be able to drop into the test suite. If not I think this
>>> would
>>> be something worth putting some time into, even as a regular project on
>>> the
>>> site. Since all the modules we write depend, in some way, on the core
>>> code,
>>> being able to include a generic core test suite in with our own would
>>> probably prove to be pretty useful. Especially for those of us that find
>>> ourselves needing to occasionally dig into core code now and then.

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