[development] Prioritizing for code freeze

Angela Byron drupal-devel at webchick.net
Fri Aug 21 02:23:52 UTC 2009

On 20-Aug-09, at 11:11 AM, Jennifer Hodgdon wrote:

> We have, at this moment, 223 "patches to review" issues, 1698 "patch  
> queue" issues, and 357 "critical issues" for D7, according to the  
> Contributor Links block on drupal.org. It's hard to figure out what  
> to focus on, given so many choices. So I'm thinking about priorities  
> for the upcoming code freeze (Sept 1, right?).
> My understanding is that all new features for Drupal would need to  
> be patched, reviewed, and committed before the code freeze, or they  
> would be pushed back to Drupal 8. Those are easy to find, using the  
> Category field of the issue queue.
> But my understanding is that also any API changes would need to be  
> patched, reviewed, and committed before the code freeze, and there  
> wasn't any obvious way I knew of to find them. So, I've introduced a  
> new issue tag, "API change", which will help identify those issues,  
> if people start marking their issues accordingly. Thoughts?
> So am I way off base, or shouldn't we be focusing our patching and  
> review efforts on these areas between now and Sept 1, and leaving  
> the bug fixes (even "critical" bug fixes) for after the freeze? Is  
> there anything else that also cannot wait until after the code freeze?

The one other thing I'd add here is markup changes (as in theme  
functions and .tpl.php files). Themers can't start porting their  
themes until Drupal's XHTML output is locked down. Most of those are  
in the 'theme system' component, although there are probably other  
ones here and there attached to their respective "parent" components  
like node system or whatever.

Everything else sounds bang-on. Thanks for making that tag!


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