[development] Consolidating duplicate contrib modules for D7

Cary Gordon listuser at chillco.com
Thu Dec 10 01:04:30 UTC 2009

The bottom line is that with the exception of abandoned modules,
consolidation needs to be initiated by the module creators and

The same is true, for the most part, of module comparison.

Experience has shown that these work well and virtually every other
approach fails.


On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Daniel F. Kudwien
<news at unleashedmind.com> wrote:
>> > Again, we want to encourage contribution and collaboration.  Not
>> > discourage it.
>> How am i proposing to discourage that, quite the contrary..
>> wow this is getting tedious. I really hoped for some more
>> support, but it seems there is only fear from current
>> maintainers that something will be taken away from them. We
>> will probably have the same duplicate modules problem with D7
>> as with D6, instead of stemming the united effort of
>> consolidating and merging the functionality of thousands of
>> modules into a couple of frameworks and some hundred submodules.
> That's the point.  You are talking about consolidation and merging without
> considering that any approach on consolidation requires to join forces with
> others.  That means to communicate, to talk, and to share vision.  And after
> doing so, it means to code, to review, to find compromises, and finally to
> commit.  This is how innovation works.
> If you'd want to express this in numbers, then 99% is collaboration and
> contribution, and only 1% (or even only a fragment of that) is committing.
> If we want to decrease duplication, then we need to improve the
> communication.
> sun

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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