[development] Consulting about calendars

Nancy Wichmann nan_wich at bellsouth.net
Mon Dec 14 19:41:28 UTC 2009

Gastón Pablo Pérez wrote:

> Which are the best modules do i have to install to do that?


I used Event on a D5 site and it was fine other than a couple of patches I
had to submit. However, since then I have watched the module and am very
concerned about its lack of concrete progress, and Event Repeat is in
disrepair (although the newest maintainer is quite capable of fixing it when
he has time).


More recently, in D6 sites, I have used the Calendar module (requires Date,
but you probably already have that). It’s a bit more of a pain to set up
unless you are a Views wizard, but even I (a senior blonde) got it working
after a few cups of coffee.


Nancy E. Wichmann, PMP 

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -- Dr. Martin L. King,

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