[development] Remove top-level admin menu items

Moshe Weitzman weitzman at tejasa.com
Mon Feb 2 18:13:13 UTC 2009

these are just menu links. if you don't like where they are, move
them. there are good arguments on both sides. hardly merits a long
discussion, IMO.

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Gábor Hojtsy <gabor at hojtsy.hu> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Daniel F. Kudwien
> <news at unleashedmind.com> wrote:
>> This goes out to some maintainers, specifically related to
>> - Notifications / Messaging
>> - Organic Groups
>> - Panels
>> Those and related/dependent modules are implementing top-level menu items, e.g.
>> - admin/messaging
>> - admin/og
>> - admin/panels
>> in the style of Drupal 4.7, instead of using the new administrative categories and structure we have since Drupal 5.x.  This is not only confusing, but also clutters the administrative interface - especially, if Administration menu module is installed.
> Although my fine module was not mentioned here, l10n_server does this
> same thing, so I am kind of feel like called out :) Others from Panels
> and Notifications/Messaging provided their opinion, so I'd not chip
> in, if I'd say the same. But maybe I am saying the same.
> For the l10n_server case, the separate high level item makes sense,
> since the l10n_server is a kind of standalone software. It does not
> help you track users, enter content, vote on content or whatever, but
> in a sense it does all of these. it has a highly specialized storage
> and UI system for translation editing and reuses Drupal capabilities
> to set up users, languages, organic groups, panels, blocks, whatever
> around itself. The module in itself is not related to site building,
> configuration, users or reports. It is merely a "high level tool" on
> your site you'd use.
> Now that I said it, I might have said the same things as others said
> on Panels and Notifications/Messaging, maybe in a more general way.
> And yes, I am an admin_menu user. I was the guy, who pushed it to be
> used on d6.drupal.org last week :) And yes, I appreciate high level
> tools highlighted on the highest level in my admin_menu. And yes, I
> understand that Panels, or Notifications/Messaging or l10n_server
> might not have the highest importance to people *once* they set up
> everything, and would instead only focus on core site management such
> as user, content and logs.
> Gábor

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