[development] libxml2 2.7.1 Breaks BlogAPI

matt at mattfarina.com matt at mattfarina.com
Fri Jan 23 14:14:57 UTC 2009

I wonder if this issue is what broke the drupal planet.

Quoting Jamie Holly <hovercrafter at earthlink.net>:

> This is more of a heads up. I have had a couple of people contact me
> that they can't use blogapi on their sites. They are hosted with
> different companies. Then I had someone using Wordpress tell me the
> same thing. It turns out there is a bug in libxml2 2.7.1 that is
> stripping out the opening <.
> More info can be found on this Wordpress ticket:
> http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7771
> And it appears that the CVS of libxml 2has been fixed:
> http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45996
> It appears that as hosting companies are updating then they are
> breaking xmlrpc (and any other module that might rely on libxml2). I
> figured I would throw out a warning in case we see an increase in
> support or tickets on this.
> -- 
> Jamie Holly

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