[development] Files table includes file_directory_path

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jul 20 12:38:04 UTC 2009

Quoting Clemens Tolboom <clemens at build2be.nl>:

> On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 10:18 -0500, larry at garfieldtech.com wrote:
>> sites.php was actually added specifically for this sort of issue,
>> because the sites/ directory structure was too brittle.
>> Of course, for the files directories in particular I have long since
>> dropped using sites/<sitename>/files in favor of files/<sitekey>, which
>> sidesteps the issue entirely.  That doesn't need to change no matter
>> what server the site moves to.
> What is your sitekey structure in case of a multi-site environement and
> what when doing a staging scenario ie move production to a demo of
> regression environment?
> (With D5 multisite I moved from the files/<sitename> to
> sites/<sitename>/files to get rid of painfull all at once D5 updates.)

Thank you for this rebuttal of Larry's suggestion.  Larry, with your  
layout of files/<sitekey> how do you upgrade one site at a time?

-- http://r-feed.com/           -- http://for-my-kids.com/
-- http://www.4offer.biz/       -- http://give-me-an-offer.com/

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