[development] lightbox2 - co-maintainer needed!

Tracy Pilcher tracy.pilcher at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 15:50:53 UTC 2009

Hi Stella,

I would be interested in being a co-maintainer for Lightbox.

I do have experience with Drupal, PHP, Javascript, JQuery, Firebug, etc. I
wouldn't say I am a "wiz" but it's what I do for a living and I am looking
to make a contribution to Drupal.

I am especially interested in Lightbox as I have started developing css
overlay type ads for our websites.

You can find my resume and some stuff that I have done on my personal
website http://www.helloddrupal.org

The sites that I maintain and develop for Pearson's Family Education Network

Drupal sites:


Non Drupal:


both of these latter sites are undergoing a much needed facelift, they look
and function very 1998 right now :-)

Thanks for your consideration.

Tracy Pilcher

drupal id: tracy_pilcher

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Stella Power <stella at stellapower.net>wrote:

> Hi all,
> The lightbox2 <http://drupal.org/project/lightbox2> module's issue queue
> is just getting too large and busy for me to cope with all by myself.  It's
> becoming increasingly difficult to keep on top of the issues as I just don't
> have as many free hours as I used to to devote to it.
> So I'm looking for a co-maintainer  :)  You don't need to be a PHP or
> JavaScript whiz - though if you are, great!  Experience with jQuery and
> Firebug would help, however as long as you have some time to help out with
> the issue queue by investigating support issues, etc, then send me a mail.
> Cheers,
> Stella

Tracy Pilcher
email: tracy.pilcher at gmail.com
website: http://supergeeky.org
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