[development] adding a delete tab on some content types

Michael Favia michael at favias.org
Thu Jun 11 14:52:59 UTC 2009

Lluís wrote:
> I need to add a "delete" tab for some content types, but I can't
> figure out what 'file' should be; if I use "drupal_get_path('module',
> 'node').'/node.pages.inc'" I get
> 'sites/all/modules/my_module/node/node.pages.inc'
Wrote this functioning patch to promote delete to a MENU_LOCAL_TASK for 
D7 but was eventually shot down by webchick over concerns that the 
usability work of Mark and Leisa might eventually take us in another 
direction. I disagree with holding up real world patches that fix 
existing bugs (sufficiently privileged users cant delete their content 
if the don't also have edit permission) and make incremental 
improvements because someones ideas (not code) for the future MIGHT 
disagree with it. My next step was to introduce modal popups for 
confirmations and ditch the page reloads for "Are you sure?" If you 
think this would be useful or an improvement your voice would be 
appreciated on the issue. http://drupal.org/node/196758 -mf

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