[development] noderefernace cck

Andrew Berry andrewberry at sentex.net
Thu May 28 03:55:03 UTC 2009

Take a look at filefield and imagefield. You should be able to extend  
nodereference in the same way.

On 27-May-09, at 11:28 PM, "Caleb O'Connell" <caleb at caleboconnell.com>  

> I am looking to get info about the cck module in drupal. I've been  
> trying to write a cck module that will basically do the exact same  
> as nodereference but with two free entry text fields to go along  
> with it. Basically, one field to be the noderef lookup and two to  
> add prices to associate to the referred field. I wasn't sure who I  
> could get in touch with in the cck development who is familiar with  
> this so I can ask some questions about where to put the code I want  
> in place to make the custom module I was looking for. Thanks again  
> in advance.
> -- 
> -- Caleb Dylan O'Connell
> -- caleb at caleboconnell.com
> -- 207.319.4746
> -- http://blog.caleboconnell.com

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