[development] Convention for naming contrib hooks?

arthur arthur at 24b6.net
Fri Oct 16 15:17:24 UTC 2009

Do people feel like we're moving toward consensus that the contrib  
hook standard ought to be hook_module_name_foo_bar()?

Secondly, do we want to identify a doxygen tag so that we can put  
together a list of contrib hooks?


On Oct 16, 2009, at 9:57 AM, Michael Favia wrote:

> On 10/16/2009 08:53 AM, Nancy Wichmann wrote:
>> Earnie Boyd wrote
>>> So I have a module foo implementing hook_foo_bar.  Module foo checks
>>> for any implementation of hook_foo_bar by calling
>>> module_invoke_all('foo_bar') in its foo_bar() function.
>> It can look funny, though, if a module uses its own hook, which  
>> several of mine do. You can end up with "function foo_bar_foo_bar()".
> I don't think it looks funny. In fact i appreciate when authors do  
> this as it helps me implement the hook in my own modules and helps  
> the developer keep in mind the needs of someone using the hooks. -mf

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