[development] Module compatibility/interoperability problem

Brian Vuyk brian at brianvuyk.com
Fri Oct 16 18:37:14 UTC 2009

First things first, have you created issues in the issue queues for 
these two modules? Chances are, the module maintainers will never see 
this post.


Eric Schaefer wrote:
> Hi List,
> the scheduler module uses date_popup for letting the user choose date
> and time for scheduled publishing of nodes, if it is installed. This
> causes a problem with the multistep module. With this module you can
> divide the node form into multiple steps like a "node wizard".
> date_popup transforms its two fields (date and time) into one field
> during validation (?) since the date_popup widget is virtually one
> field. If the scheduler field group is not part of the first multistep
> step then there has not been any validation for the
> scheduler/date_popup fields and therefore the publish_on field is
> still an array of two (empty) values instead of a single value. This
> confuses the schedulers validation logic, because it expects either an
> empty string or a propperly formatted string but not an array. To fix
> this I could check if it is an array and let it pass on validation.
> That would be rather easy and straitforward. But I do not like the
> idea of littering scheduler with code that circumvents problems with a
> non-core module that is not even used by scheduler itself. This would
> also introduce a nasty dependency on multisteps (form handling)
> behaviour. That would be fine, if scheduler did actually use multistep
> functionality (as it is using date_popups functionality), but it does
> not. I do not like that and I don't think this is a good thing to do.
> What do you think. What should I do? How can this problem be resolved
> in a nice and clean way?
> Regards,
> Eric

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