[development] What is the best web server to host drupal (like Apache, Apache Tomcat, etc) as far as performance, security?

Justin Ellison justin at techadvise.com
Mon Apr 12 18:32:01 UTC 2010

I'm partial to Linode - they're affordable, and performance is top-notch.
I've written quite a few articles about them on my blog:

You mention security - Linode is a hands-off provider.  They give you a VPS,
and a distro, and that's about it.  Security is up to you.  You don't get a
CPanel, but you're free to install your own if you like.  They also have
StackScripts, which allow you to have "click-n-run servers".  There's plenty
of Drupal StackScripts, check them out at http://www.linode.com/stackscripts

Many others are happy with Amazon AWS and Rackspace, but I can't speak for
them myself.  I have less than stellar personal opinions of running Drupal
on Aplus.net and Dreamhost shared hosting.


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