[development] Drupal 7 API Change notification: Admin path theming, field etid change

Randy Fay randy at randyfay.com
Mon Dec 20 19:56:49 UTC 2010

*We try to notify this list when API changes are made in Drupal 7, so
contrib and custom developers have a chance to fix their code before they
have the pain of figuring out why it's broken.

*(issue <http://drupal.org/node/669510#comment-3846552>) There is a new way
to declare pages as "admin pages" which should be themed with the admin
theme. hook_admin_paths() went in in this issue. If your module is doing
tricky things with 'theme callback' in hook_menu() to set some of your
module's pages to use the admin theme, take it out and use
hook_admin_paths(). Developers doing advanced things with 'theme callback'
will probably want to look at the issue
summary<http://drupal.org/node/669510#comment-3846552>in general.

(issue <http://drupal.org/node/986992#comment-3825334>) There was a subtle
change to field module which affects only highly advanced modules like date
and views. Read the issue summary if that is you and you know what an etid
is, or if you find "etid" grepping your code. I had to promise chx that I'd
say "if you are affected by this then it's very, very likely you are doing
it wrong."


Randy Fay
Drupal Module and Site Development
randy at randyfay.com
+1  970.462.7450
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