[development] Mail script problem: please help

Dayton Perkins perkinsd at chartermi.net
Sat Feb 13 15:52:09 UTC 2010

I am using Mime Mail to send mails to users who are opted in to a users 
mailing list for a certain user role. I had written a similar script for 
another site, looping through email addresses and invoking mimemail() 
for each. Unfortunately though I pumped up the memory limit, that script 
white screened ( haven't checked in too much detail as the "client" is a 
non-payer), though the script did send out the mails.

So for this project, I decided to class it up a bit using jQuery to loop 
through sending $get requests to the server and load in a "loading" 
graphic whilst waiting for a response for each mail in turn. I put my 
mailing script in the docroot since putting it in my module resulted in 
path errors. Everything works, including sending the emails, loading in 
the loading graphic per email and then a sent message, writing to the 
database, etc.  EXCEPT for 2 things.
When I open the script in a browser, I get the following notices:

*Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in 
*/home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/modules/dblog/dblog.module* on line *135*
*Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in 
*/home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/includes/database.mysqli.inc* on line 
*Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in 
*/home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/modules/dblog/dblog.module* on line *135*
*Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in 
*/home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/includes/database.mysqli.inc* on line 
*Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in 
*/home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/modules/dblog/dblog.module* on line *135*
*Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in 
*/home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/includes/database.mysqli.inc* on line 
*Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in 
*/home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/modules/dblog/dblog.module* on line *135*
*Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in 
*/home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/includes/database.mysqli.inc* on line 

Additionally, *when I run the AJAX page, it sends the emails, writes the 
data and everything looks dandy, but when I navigate to another page I 
find I have been logged out! :-) I do see the first notice above is 
inside dblog_watchdog() Seems to me that the browser isn't sending 
cookies? I added global $user; print_r($user); right after the call to 
drupal_bootstrap, (after re-logging ;-) )and I see that I my user data 
is present.
help? *

*here's the mailer script
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
$sender = 'no-reply at example.com';
$last = $_GET['l'];
$cid = $_GET['c'];
$user= $_GET['u'];
if($user==0){ // not a user || no uid ;These emails are added to the 
database another way...
    $recipient = $_GET['e'];
    $mail = $recipient;
} else {
     $recipient = get_user($user); // This gets the user object I also 
tried just using global $user and $user->mail
     $mail = $recipient->mail;
if(!isset($_SESSION['mailer-errors'])) { $_SESSION['mailer-errors']=0; }
$subject = $_SESSION['subject'];
$optLink = '<p>'.l('Opt out of these emails', 
'http://example.com/center/opt', array('query' => 
$body = $_SESSION['body'].$optLink;
if($sent = mimemail($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body)) {
    write_promo_data($user, $recipient, $cid,  $code);
    echo 1;
} else {
    echo 0;
    $_SESSION['mailer-errors'] ++;
if($last ==1) {
    if($_SESSION['mailer-errors']==0) {
/Kindest regards,/ *Dayton Perkins*
Good News Design
Intelligent Web Programming for Business
3611 Butternut Drive, Suite 40
Holland MI 49424
Signature <http://goodnewsdesign.com>
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