[development] Mail script problem: please help
Jamie Holly
hovercrafter at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 13 16:51:10 UTC 2010
You're overwriting the $user variable since this script is running in
the global namespace:
$user= $_GET['u'];
$user is populated with the user object on bootstrap and now you're
changing it. That's your problem. To prevent conflicts I would wrap
everything below:
into a function and just call that.
Jamie Holly
On 2/13/2010 10:52 AM, Dayton Perkins wrote:
> I am using Mime Mail to send mails to users who are opted in to a
> users mailing list for a certain user role. I had written a similar
> script for another site, looping through email addresses and invoking
> mimemail() for each. Unfortunately though I pumped up the memory
> limit, that script white screened ( haven't checked in too much detail
> as the "client" is a non-payer), though the script did send out the mails.
> So for this project, I decided to class it up a bit using jQuery to
> loop through sending $get requests to the server and load in a
> "loading" graphic whilst waiting for a response for each mail in turn.
> I put my mailing script in the docroot since putting it in my module
> resulted in path errors. Everything works, including sending the
> emails, loading in the loading graphic per email and then a sent
> message, writing to the database, etc. EXCEPT for 2 things.
> When I open the script in a browser, I get the following notices:
> *Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in
> */home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/modules/dblog/dblog.module* on line
> *135*
> *Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in
> */home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/includes/database.mysqli.inc* on
> line *102*
> *Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in
> */home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/modules/dblog/dblog.module* on line
> *135*
> *Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in
> */home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/includes/database.mysqli.inc* on
> line *102*
> *Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in
> */home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/modules/dblog/dblog.module* on line
> *135*
> *Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in
> */home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/includes/database.mysqli.inc* on
> line *102*
> *Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in
> */home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/modules/dblog/dblog.module* on line
> *135*
> *Notice*: Trying to get property of non-object in
> */home/content/t/o/n/tonebari/html/includes/database.mysqli.inc* on
> line *102
> Additionally, *when I run the AJAX page, it sends the emails, writes
> the data and everything looks dandy, but when I navigate to another
> page I find I have been logged out! :-) I do see the first notice
> above is inside dblog_watchdog() Seems to me that the browser isn't
> sending cookies? I added global $user; print_r($user); right after the
> call to drupal_bootstrap, (after re-logging ;-) )and I see that I my
> user data is present.
> help? *
> *here's the mailer script
> <?php
> error_reporting(E_ALL);
> require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
> drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL);
> $sender = 'no-reply at example.com';
> $last = $_GET['l'];
> $cid = $_GET['c'];
> $user= $_GET['u'];
> if($user==0){ // not a user || no uid ;These emails are added to the
> database another way...
> $recipient = $_GET['e'];
> $mail = $recipient;
> } else {
> $recipient = get_user($user); // This gets the user object I also
> tried just using global $user and $user->mail
> $mail = $recipient->mail;
> }
> if(!isset($_SESSION['mailer-errors'])) { $_SESSION['mailer-errors']=0; }
> $subject = $_SESSION['subject'];
> $code=randStrng();
> $optLink = '<p>'.l('Opt out of these emails',
> 'http://example.com/center/opt', array('query' =>
> 'cid='.$cid.'&code='.$code.'&mail='.$mail)).'</p>';
> $body = $_SESSION['body'].$optLink;
> if($sent = mimemail($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body)) {
> write_promo_data($user, $recipient, $cid, $code);
> echo 1;
> } else {
> echo 0;
> $_SESSION['mailer-errors'] ++;
> }
> if($last ==1) {
> if($_SESSION['mailer-errors']==0) {
> unset($_SESSION['send']);
> unset($_SESSION['subject']);
> unset($_SESSION['body']);
> unset($_SESSION['created']);
> }
> unset($_SESSION['mailer-errors']);
> }
> --
> /Kindest regards,/ *Dayton Perkins*
> Good News Design
> Intelligent Web Programming for Business
> 3611 Butternut Drive, Suite 40
> Holland MI 49424
> 616-399-5617
> http://goodnewsdesign.com
> Signature <http://goodnewsdesign.com>
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