[development] Creating a user and assigning a node in the node's submit callback.

Sam Tresler sam at treslerdesigns.com
Tue Jan 12 21:52:26 UTC 2010

Specifically (sorry had to remove some names from the code), in this  
case we have a separate function that creates the user and returns the  
user object (we need to check if the user already exists and load it  
if it does in that function) :

function module_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
     switch($op) {
       case 'insert':
         switch($node->type) {
           case 'ind_pet':
           /** Populate a user profile **/
           $purpose_user = array(
             'mail' => $node->field_mail[0]['email'],
             'first' => $node->field_first[0]['value'],
             'last' => $node->field_last[0]['value'],

           /** Create the profile if it doesn't already exist **/
           $profile = module_collect_user($purpose_user);

           /** Set the Author properly before saving the node **/
           $node->uid = $profile->uid;

           /** Fire Email **/


On Jan 12, 2010, at 4:24 PM, Brian Vuyk wrote:

> Hi all.
> I've been trying to get a bit of code working, and I would  
> appreciate a set of eyes.
> Basically, I have a content type ('profile') which has fields for  
> user account details. If they are filled out, and a 'Create account'  
> checkbox is checked, a user account is created with those details,  
> and the profile node should be assigned to the newly-created user  
> instead of the user creating the node.
> The issue is that, while the new user is created properly in the  
> submit hook, the last line in the submit callback where I override  
> the 'uid' value from the form values doesn't work - the node just  
> saves with the user's uid instead of the uid of the new account that  
> is specified on the last line.
> Does anyone have any idea how to make this work?
> Thank you in advance for anyone that can suggest a solution!
> Brian
> <?php
> function mymodule_form_profile_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
>  // Add our submit handler. We use array_unshift to prepend it, as  
> we want it
>  // to execute before the regular node form submit handler.
>  array_unshift($form['buttons']['submit']['#submit'],  
> 'mymodule_profile_form_submit');
> }
> // Submit the user account creation fields in the profile_node_form.
> function mymodule_profile_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
>  // Create the user account.
>  if ($form_state['values']['create']) {
>    $account['name'] = $form_state['values']['username'];
>    $account['mail'] = $form_state['values']['mail'];
>    $account['pass'] = $form_state['values']['pass'];
>    $account['status'] = 1;
>    $account = user_save(array(), $account);
>    // Now set the uid of the profile node to be owned by this new  
> account.
>    $form_state['values']['uid'] = $account->uid;
>  }
> }
> ?>

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