[development] A module to change node creation confirmation messages

James Benstead james.benstead at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 22:46:32 UTC 2010

> You could implement hook_theme_registry_alter() and modify the
> status_message entry to process through your function.

Thanks, that's exactly what I did!

The new module is up at http://drupal.org/project/csm - it might not be
packaged if you hit it soon, but a package is scheduled.

@Nancy: I thought about submitting it to be part of utility, and I'm still
happy for that to happen if you are, but the module as it stands is pretty
hacky so I thought I'd better do a quick release so people can see it and I
can get it fine-tuned.

Thanks to everyone else who commented during the discussion - if anyone
wants to try and kill the module as it now stands, go for it - I'll be
keeping a keen eye on the issue queue.

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