[development] Module suggestion

icerain doubaokun at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 08:53:05 UTC 2010

Yes, I have searched several days from google or drupal.org and
drupalmodules. I think i am very familiar with drupal modules. But can not
find any suitable solutions. I think write new modules is not the best way
to solve problems. So Who have the experience with these 2 questions, please
share them.

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 4:23 PM, <info at marcvangend.nl> wrote:

> Bruce,
> Have you searched already? Please search www.drupal.org,
> www.drupalmodules.com and/or Google. If that doesn't help, tell us what
> you found and why it's not the answer you're looking for.
> Marc
> On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:12:11 +0800, icerain <doubaokun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have the following questions recently:
> 1. Modules for Question and answer. Post questions and answer them.
> 2. Modules for Review. Write a review for a node(for example: a product).
> Which is the better way to implement these?
> Best regards,
> Bruce Dou
> --
> A decathlon Drupal developer & programmer
> http://blog.eood.cn/

A decathlon Drupal developer & programmer
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