[development] Batch API on cron

bruce doubaokun at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 23:52:23 UTC 2010

use batch api only where needs ui,or write in cron

Alex Barth <alex at developmentseed.org>编写:

>On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:36 AM, Yves Chedemois wrote:
>> Queue D6 backport sounds a good idea - http://drupal.org/project/drupal_queue
>> Never tested it, though.
>(I've overlooked this message.)
>I use Drupal Queue in Feeds and Push Hub and it is very reliable.  
>Check out the README for how to set it up.
>> Yves
>> Le 15/07/2010 13:28, Sven Decabooter a écrit :
>>> That's clear, and it makes sense. Thanks Yves!
>>> Any pointers as to how I could have large chunks of data processed  
>>> on cron in another way?
>>> Sven
>>> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Yves Chedemois  
>>> <yched.drupal at free.fr> wrote:
>>> Batch API works around the PHP timeout limitation by relying on a  
>>> client browser to iterate separate requests, each of which stays  
>>> below the time limitation.
>>> So yes, Batch API can only be used in a UI context, which excludes  
>>> cron.
>>> For the same reason, it is not recommended to fire a batch  
>>> processing inside an API function, since you cannot ensure it will  
>>> be executed in a safe-for-batch context.
>>> Yched
>>> Le 15/07/2010 11:01, Sven Decabooter a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm reading contradicting posts about running Batch API processes  
>>> on cron. This is for Drupal 6 BTW.
>>> I have tried implementing a batch functionality that should be run  
>>> on cron, but it doesn't seem to process the work that needs to be  
>>> done.
>>> I assume this is because running the cron through a commandline  
>>> command doesn't allow for javascript...
>>> So my questions:
>>> - Have I implemented Batch API incorrectly, and should it normally  
>>> work also on cron?
>>> - What is the best way to run a process that would normally trigger  
>>> a php script timeout? Can I use the Queue module for that?
>>> I'm sure plenty of people have already tried doing this, so I'm not  
>>> sure why I can find little consistent information about it.
>>> Thanks for your feedback.
>>> Sven
>Alex Barth
>tel (202) 250-3633

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