[development] File attachment ordering in Views

Adam Gregory arcaneadam at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 18:56:38 UTC 2010

Just off the top of my head (meaning I haven't seen if it's possible), but
sort by fid (file_id) as those are auto_increment and so they would be in
the order uploaded.
Adam A. Gregory
Drupal Developer & Consultant
Web: AdamAGregory.com
Twitter: twitter.com/adamgregory
Phone: 910.808.1717
Cell: 919.306.6138

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Jeff Greenberg <jeff at ayendesigns.com> wrote:

> Anyone have a tip on getting a view to list the uploaded files
> (attachments) to a node in the same order seen when editing the node?  I
> have a node with 45 attachments and the list in view could not be shuffled
> any better!
> Jeff
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