[development] Problem with uploading images with RTL names

Carl Wiedemann carl.wiedemann at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 16:09:50 UTC 2010

The core function file_validate_extensions() parses file names in the
assumption that the extension is the LTR suffix

The LTR suffix convention is widely used and important for security reasons.
There doesn't appear to be a clear solution aside from removing filename
extension limitations (a possible security vulnerability) or renaming your

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Ivan Rocha <ivan.cr.neto at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am in trouble with uploading images that have arabic names. I think
> Drupal try to match the wrongly the three last characters os the image's
> name. As an arabic name has the RTL write form, the 'jpg' is in the left
> side. Drupal says that "The select file jpg, could not be uploaded. Only
> files with the following extensions are allowed: png, gif, jpg, jpeg". I
> have searched the web, but didn't find issues about this question.
> I would like some help about how I can proceed to solve this problem.
> Bellow is an attach image containing the error and the image's name.
> Regards,
> Ivan.
> --
> Ivan Rocha
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