[development] SPAM --- Re: CVS -> GIT

Peter Droogmans Peter at attiks.com
Sat Feb 19 20:16:49 UTC 2011

On windows I'm using http://sourceforge.net/projects/gitextensions/ for the moment and pretty happy about it

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Peter Droogmans
Ketsstraat 94
2140 Borgerhout
03 288 61 17
0497 44 44 77

-----Original Message-----
From: development-bounces at drupal.org [mailto:development-bounces at drupal.org] On Behalf Of Daniel F. Kudwien
Sent: vrijdag 18 februari 2011 9:40 PM
To: development at drupal.org
Subject: SPAM --- Re: [development] CVS -> GIT

> Using a CLI on Windoze is a pain - and, yes, there are a few of us 
> misguided folks who use Windows.
> Nancy

I'm on Windows, too.  TortoiseGit works nicely so far, but of course, you need to understand git basics/workflows first.  Also had troubles understanding it at the beginning.

As an alternative to TortoiseGit you might try SmartGit [1], but needless to say it's a huge difference if you're used to working from within Windows Explorer.


[1] http://www.syntevo.com/smartgit

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