February 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Feb 1 00:00:17 UTC 2011
Ending: Mon Feb 28 20:25:28 UTC 2011
Messages: 294
- [development] Integration of PHP and jQuery into the Drupal platform.
Guillaume !
- [development] Newbie trying to add a link to the navigation menu
Guillaume !
- [development] Newbie trying to add a link to the navigation menu
Guillaume !
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Tomáš Fülöpp (vacilando.org)
- [development] sudden jquery load error
António P. P. Almeida
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
António P. P. Almeida
- [development] Newbie questions (need to reload modules)
Angel Alvarez
- [development] Newbie questions (need to reload modules)
Angel Alvarez
- [development] Drupal 4.6 API documentation
Buzai Andras
- [development] Drupal 4.6 API documentation
Buzai Andras
- [development] Drupal 4.6 API documentation
Buzai Andras
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Ronald Ashri
- [development] Newbie questions (need to reload modules)
Ronald Ashri
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Andrew Berry
- [development] AHAH with fieldsets not rebuilding correctly
Andrew Berry
- [development] Fastest way to make the content area's width stretch to the size of my content?
Earnie Boyd
- [development] Home Page & Permissions.
Earnie Boyd
- [development] Newbie trying to add a link to the navigation menu
Earnie Boyd
- [development] t() API documentation
Earnie Boyd
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Earnie Boyd
- [development] please stop sending me massage
Earnie Boyd
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Earnie Boyd
- [development] MYSQL queries and Modules
Earnie Boyd
- [development] Git Migration?
Sam Boyer
- [development] How to export user's profile fields in Drupal 7
- [development] Drupal 7 fails to install on PostgreSQL
Thom Brown
- [development] Drupal 7 fails to install on PostgreSQL
Thom Brown
- [development] Drupal 4.6 API documentation
Richard Burford
- [development] Drupal 4.6 API documentation
Richard Burford
- [development] Git best practices for client codebases
Marco Carbone
- [development] Alternative to drupal_bootstrap when we want to access Drupal data from other application?
Ryan Chan
- [development] Alternative to drupal_bootstrap when we want to access Drupal data from other application?
Ryan Chan
- [development] Disable watchdog globally
Ryan Chan
- [development] RE : Disable watchdog globally
Ryan Chan
- [development] Disable watchdog globally
Ryan Chan
- [development] Disable watchdog globally
Ryan Chan
- [development] [Drupal7] Efficient to query nodes from multiple terms (CCK)
Ryan Chan
- [development] [Drupal7] Efficient to query nodes from multiple terms (CCK)
Ryan Chan
- [development] How to create a content type and a field
Fernando Correa da Conceição
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Fernando Correa da Conceição
- [development] Node Token Replacement + CCK
- [development] DRUPAL_ROOT const in 7.0
Massar Dev-Team
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
- [development] hook_menu vs path alias Drupal 7
- [development] hook_menu vs path alias Drupal 7
- [development] Theming views output in Drupal 7
Balazs Dianiska
- [development] Theming views output in Drupal 7
Balazs Dianiska
- [development] index/search user fields in D7
Serhat Sevki Dincer
- [development] CVS -> GIT
- [development] Alternative to drupal_bootstrap when we want to access Drupal data from other application?
Bruce Dou
- [development] Magento and Drupal
Robert Douglass
- [development] How to export user's profile fields in Drupal 7
Peter Droogmans
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Peter Droogmans
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Peter Droogmans
- [development] SPAM --- Re: CVS -> GIT
Peter Droogmans
- [development] RE : Disable watchdog globally
Peter Droogmans
- [development] What is the difference between the $_SESSION array and client side cookies?
Cameron Eagans
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Cameron Eagans
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Cameron Eagans
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Justin Ellison
- [development] Fastest way to make the content area's width stretch to the size of my content?
Justin Ellison
- [development] Variable overriding in SimpleTest environments
Christian López Espínola
- [development] RE : Disable watchdog globally
- [development] Magento and Drupal
- [development] How to create a content type and a field
Randy Fay
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Randy Fay
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Randy Fay
- [development] reducing module size
Randy Fay
- [development] Newbie questions (need to reload modules)
Randy Fay
- [development] submitting date values to database using date_popup type form api
Randy Fay
- [development] theme keeps disabling
Randy Fay
- [development] theme keeps disabling
Randy Fay
- [development] Drupal 7 fails to install on PostgreSQL
Randy Fay
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Randy Fay
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Randy Fay
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Randy Fay
- [development] AHAH with fieldsets not rebuilding correctly
Randy Fay
- [development] RE : Disable watchdog globally
Randy Fay
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Randy Fay
- [development] Git best practices for client codebases
Randy Fay
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Mark Ferree
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Jason Flatt
- [development] On email a day
Jason Flatt
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Craig Forbes
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Andy Fowlston
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Andy Fowlston
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Andy Fowlston
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Andy Fowlston
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Andy Fowlston
- [development] reducing module size
Larry Garfield
- [development] Disable watchdog globally
Larry Garfield
- [development] [Drupal7] Efficient to query nodes from multiple terms (CCK)
Larry Garfield
- [development] How to create a content type and a field
Karl Giesing
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Franz Glauber
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Shai Gluskin
- [development] How to export user's profile fields in Drupal 7
- [development] Suggestions for Buy a Line Projects
Dave Hall
- [development] AHAH with fieldsets not rebuilding correctly
Jeff Hartman
- [development] AHAH with fieldsets not rebuilding correctly
Jeff Hartman
- [development] AHAH with fieldsets not rebuilding correctly
Jeff Hartman
- [development] AHAH with fieldsets not rebuilding correctly
Jeff Hartman
- [development] tablesort - secondary sort option?
Jeff Hartman
- [development] reducing module size
Gordon Heydon
- [development] reducing module size
Gordon Heydon
- [development] Alternative to drupal_bootstrap when we want to access Drupal data from other application?
Gordon Heydon
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Jennifer Hodgdon
- [development] t() API documentation
Gábor Hojtsy
- [development] DRUPAL_ROOT const in 7.0
Jamie Holly
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Jamie Holly
- [development] Creating my first page.
Jamie Holly
- [development] please stop sending me massage
Jamie Holly
- [development] reducing module size
Bob Hutchinson
- [development] reducing module size
Bob Hutchinson
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Bob Hutchinson
- [development] Integration of PHP and jQuery into the Drupal platform.
Fred Jones
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Steven Jones
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Victor Kane
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Victor Kane
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Victor Kane
- [development] Drupal 4.6 API documentation
Victor Kane
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Victor Kane
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Victor Kane
- [development] Trouble with upgrade paths from different branches
Fredrik Sandve Kilander
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Greg Knaddison
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Greg Knaddison
- [development] Any reason why having a javascript timer fire every 2.5 second for an ajax request to my own callback(listed below) that all it does is return the contents of 2 _session variables would take up so much resources?
Greg Knaddison
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Josh Koenig
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Josh Koenig
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Josh Koenig
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Daniel F. Kudwien
- [development] MYSQL queries and Modules
Andreas Laesser
- [development] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Wingston Sharon via LinkedIn
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Kyle Mathews
- [development] Sqllite troubles
Dave Metzler
- [development] reducing module size
Dave Metzler
- [development] Disable watchdog globally
Dave Metzler
- [development] Git Migration?
Dave Metzler
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
David Metzler
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
David Metzler
- [development] Git Migration?
David Metzler
- [development] D6 Theming a views field in a module
Earl Miles
- [development] D6 Theming a views field in a module
Earl Miles
- [development] Fastest way to make the content area's width stretch to the size of my content?
Earl Miles
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Earl Miles
- [development] problem with fbconnect logout process in custom theme
Earl Miles
- [development] How can I refer to the shopping cart using document.getElementById if it does not have an id?
John Mitchell
- [development] How can I refer to the shopping cart using document.getElementById if it does not have an id?
John Mitchell
- [development] What is the difference between the $_SESSION array and client side cookies?
John Mitchell
- [development] How can I tell from the returned value (i.e. drupal_add_js('shoppingCartInfo()', 'inline')) whether this javascript has been successful called so that I can stop the call to this javascript function the next time the hook is executed?
John Mitchell
- [development] How can I make Drupal DOM elements accessible within a javascript function without having to do an ajax request to a page?
John Mitchell
- [development] Any reason why having a javascript timer fire every 2.5 second for an ajax request to my own callback(listed below) that all it does is return the contents of 2 _session variables would take up so much resources?
John Mitchell
- [development] Any reason why having a javascript timer fire every 2.5 second for an ajax request to my own callback(listed below) that all it does is return the contents of 2 _session variables would take up so much resources?
John Mitchell
- [development] please stop sending me massage
Lydia Murrey
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Wesley Nichols
- [development] Magento and Drupal
- [development] Magento and Drupal
- [development] On email a day
Sean Oneill
- [development] drupal_render() reordering form items
Leonard den Ottolander.nl
- [development] drupal_render() reordering form items
Leonard den Ottolander.nl
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Kamal Palei
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Kamal Palei
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Kamal Palei
- [development] theme keeps disabling
- [development] theme keeps disabling
- [development] theme keeps disabling
- [development] theme keeps disabling
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
- [development] Git Migration?
Henrique Recidive
- [development] Alternative to drupal_bootstrap when we want to access Drupal data from other application?
Dave Reid
- [development] Node Token Replacement + CCK
Dave Reid
- [development] please stop sending me massage
Dave Reid
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Scott Reynolds
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Fahri Reza
- [development] hook_node_*()
Ken Rickard
- [development] reducing module size
Pierre Rineau
- [development] reducing module size
Pierre Rineau
- [development] hook_node_*()
Pierre Rineau
- [development] [support] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Pierre Rineau
- [development] MYSQL queries and Modules
Pierre Rineau
- [development] MYSQL queries and Modules
Pierre Rineau
- [development] [Drupal7] Efficient to query nodes from multiple terms (CCK)
Pierre Rineau
- [development] MYSQL queries and Modules
Pierre Rineau
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Adam B. Ross
- [development] Drupal 4.6 API documentation
Adam B. Ross
- [development] hook_node_*()
Eric Schaefer
- [development] hook_node_*()
Eric Schaefer
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Eric Schaefer
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Laura Scott
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Blake Senftner
- [development] sudden jquery load error
Blake Senftner
- [development] sudden jquery load error
Blake Senftner
- [development] sudden jquery load error
Blake Senftner
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Blake Senftner
- [development] Home Page & Permissions.
Blake Senftner
- [development] Home Page & Permissions.
Blake Senftner
- [development] providing example Services communication code for non-Drupal clients
Blake Senftner
- [development] Creating my first page.
Eric Sepich
- [development] Integration of PHP and jQuery into the Drupal platform.
Eric Sepich
- [development] Newbie trying to add a link to the navigation menu
Eric Sepich
- [development] Newbie trying to add a link to the navigation menu
Eric Sepich
- [development] Fastest way to make the content area's width stretch to the size of my content?
Eric Sepich
- [development] Newbie trying to add a link to the navigation menu
Eric Sepich
- [development] Home Page & Permissions.
Eric Sepich
- [development] Home Page & Permissions.
Eric Sepich
- [development] Home Page & Permissions.
Eric Sepich
- [development] Fastest way to make the content area's width stretch to the size of my content?
Eric Sepich
- [development] Fastest way to make the content area's width stretch to the size of my content?
Eric Sepich
- [development] Home Page & Permissions.
Katrin Silvius
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
Chris Skene
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Chris Skene
- [development] Alternative to drupal_bootstrap when we want to access Drupal data from other application?
Chris Skene
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Christopher Skene
- [development] theme keeps disabling
David Stoline
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Jim Taylor
- [development] theme keeps disabling
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Sam Tresler
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Sam Tresler
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Sam Tresler
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
Warren Vail
- [development] Permisions
Damian Adriel Perez Valdes
- [development] Homebox module needs some AJAX love
Brian Vuyk
- [development] Homebox module needs some AJAX love
Brian Vuyk
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Brian Vuyk
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Brian Vuyk
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Brian Vuyk
- [development] CVS -> GIT
Brian Vuyk
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Brian Vuyk
- [development] Workflow: staging server, source control, and the files directory
Brian Vuyk
- [development] Trouble with upgrade paths from different branches
Brian Vuyk
- [development] How can I refer to the shopping cart using document.getElementById if it does not have an id?
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] D6 Adding an image to a node for viewing
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] reducing module size
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] How can I refer to the shopping cart using document.getElementById if it does not have an id?
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] Theming views output in Drupal 7
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] Fastest way to make the content area's width stretch to the size of my content?
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] Fastest way to make the content area's width stretch to the size of my content?
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] Fastest way to make the content area's width stretch to the size of my content?
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] Attach a file
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] drupal_render() reordering form items
Carl Wiedemann
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
Aaron Winborn
- [development] Git Migration?
Derek Wright
- [development] Processing an image when a node is saved (D7)
Steve Yelvington
- [development] Processing an image when a node is saved (D7)
Steve Yelvington
- [development] How to create a content type and a field
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] How to create a content type and a field
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] D6 Adding an image to a node for viewing
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] D6 Adding an image to a node for viewing
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] D6 Adding an image to a node for viewing
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] D6 Adding an image to a node for viewing
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] D6 Theming a views field in a module
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] Creating my first page.
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] D6 node object question
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] D6 node object question
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] CVS -> GIT
jeff at ayendesigns.com
- [development] Attach a file
questions and doubts
- [development] RE : Disable watchdog globally
- [development] submitting date values to database using date_popup type form api
mahesh gajabar
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
larry at garfieldtech.com
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
larry at garfieldtech.com
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
larry at garfieldtech.com
- [development] please stop sending me massage
nitin gupta
- [development] How can I use Tokens in CCK?? Please help!
- [development] t() API documentation
sivaji j.g
- [development] t() API documentation
sivaji j.g
- [development] RE : Disable watchdog globally
sivaji j.g
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
- [development] reducing module size
- [development] Does Drupal Run in 64 bit Ubuntu Linux Machine
kamparajan p
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
kamparajan p
- [development] problem with fbconnect logout process in custom theme
aceinfowaytest1 patel
- [development] development Digest, Vol 98, Issue 45
- [development] CVS -> GIT
davi "presto" vidal
- [development] How to create a content type and a field
nan wich
- [development] Drupal Answers: A Stackoverflow/StackExchange site proposal
nan wich
- [development] reducing module size
nan wich
- [development] submitting date values to database using date_popup type form api
nan wich
- [development] hook_node_*()
nan wich
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
nan wich
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
nan wich
- [development] Is it possible to have separate table for different content types in D7
nan wich
- [development] Creating my first page.
nan wich
- [development] hook_menu vs path alias Drupal 7
nan wich
- [development] CVS -> GIT
nan wich
- [development] CVS -> GIT
nan wich
- [development] CVS -> GIT
nan wich
- [development] CVS -> GIT
nan wich
- [development] MYSQL queries and Modules
nan wich
- [development] Variable overriding in SimpleTest environments
nan wich
- [development] [Drupal7] Efficient to query nodes from multiple terms (CCK)
nan wich
- [development] MYSQL queries and Modules
nan wich
Last message date:
Mon Feb 28 20:25:28 UTC 2011
Archived on: Mon Feb 28 20:25:33 UTC 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).