[development] D6 Adding an image to a node for viewing

jeff at ayendesigns.com jeff at ayendesigns.com
Tue Feb 1 05:28:10 UTC 2011

I'm hooking nodeapi op=view and I have the node I hook and another in 
the db. The one I hook has field_image which, when hooked, is [0]=>NULL

I load a node from the db, which also has an image field (both are CCK 
imagefields). I want to add its image to the original node, however, I 
need at this point not to add it to field_image, but to 
$node->content->field_image. The problem is that the structure of 
->content is pretty convoluted, ending ultimately in data that is the 
same as what I've copied (when I look at a node with an image), but I 
can't seem to cause that to happen. I tried adding the image structure 
from the source node directly:

$node->content->{$field_name}['field']['items'][$key]['#item'] = 

but that seems to cause more convolution rather than ending up like the 
$node->content structure from the source node when I display it.


Ayen Designs
388 Bullsboro Drive #105 ยท Newnan, Georgia 30263
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Drupal: j. ayen green <http://drupal.org/user/367108>
IRQ: j_ayen_green
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Ayen Designs is a tradename of the computer services division of

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