[development] refreshing the main page after delete action in pop-up

mahesh gajabar mahesh143an at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 11:47:28 UTC 2011

I have the html table for showing my some information with fetching data
from database. I have edit and delete action for every row. I doing both
edit and delete action in pop-up using pop-up API module..Its working fine .
Edit and delete action are getting done. After closing pop-up my main drupal
page showing tables  as it is before .After I doing manual refresh it
showing updated table. I want it be auto-refresh as soon I confirm delete
action in pop-up.How I can do it? One more thing Instead of pop-up I need
Modal window. I know using modalframe module We can get modal window but I
dont know how I can make settings for it .So please help me.
for getting pop-up I just giving class to my anchor tag like this

"<a href='doctor/delete' class='popups'> ". t('Delete')."</a>"

find attached module.


Mahesh Gajabar
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