[development] D6 Cleaning up on module uninstall

John Fiala jcfiala at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 21:59:00 UTC 2011

There isn't really a complete undo, no.  You can run a query of all nodes of
your type and call node_delete() on each of them in turn, though.  That will
clear up the fields and I believe even the images.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 2:48 PM, <jeff at ayendesigns.com> wrote:

>  I have my module -install- working fine...creating the needed vocabulary,
> cck content type with fields, adding the content type to the vocabulary. Now
> I'm working on the uninstall, and the seemingly infinite cleanup that's
> needed, not that anyone would ever want to remove my module, once installed!
>  I believe I have the vocabulary and its data, and the cck content type
> and its data accounted for with:
>    taxonomy_del_vocabulary($vid);
>   drupal_load('module', 'content');
>   content_notify('uninstall', 'my_module');
>  and that brings me to nodes et al. There will be nodes (and node
> revisions) to be removed, and each node can have multiple field instances
> (cck image field). I don't seem to see a magic function that, given a node
> type, will remove all associated node data for that type. Also, I think I
> should remove the files that were uploaded as cck image content. Any tips on
> a good example of a complete "undo"? :)
>   --
> Ayen Designs
> 388 Bullsboro Drive #105 · Newnan, Georgia 30263
>  404-271-9734
> Web:ayendesigns.com
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> Ayen Designs is a tradename of the computer services division of

John Fiala
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