[development] Form altering in ajax

luca capra luca.capra at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 06:31:27 UTC 2011

Hi all,
I'm trying to include a form from a module trought a ajax callback on D7 
Actually I got a button #ajax-ed which load the form in a wrapper on the 

The form is altered in callback to make it ajax enabled, specifing #ajax 
settings plus custom #submit & #validate callback.
The form loads correctly, but, when submitting, it post the whole page 
to /system/ajax, on a blank page (or without ajax it post to the correct 
path but not triggering the custom #submit).

I've tryed both drupal_get_form and drupal_build_form with custom 
form_state settings (eg. no_cache, rebuild) to skip/force rebuild of 
form (and cache).

Thanks in advance,

[1] http://drupal.org/node/1218474#comment-4744608

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