[development] Proposal: Move all dev support off this list to new StackExchange site

Randy Fay randy at randyfay.com
Thu Mar 17 17:24:34 UTC 2011

The new http://drupal.stackexchange.com is now live, and several outstanding
Drupal contributors are monitoring and contributing to it.

It seems like we'd get better long-term use of people's time if we did
development support over there, where it's searchable, and where repeat
questions can be answered by an internet search instead of everybody reading
and answering the same thing over and over.

And yes, I'm in favor of providing this capability on Drupal.org, as per
http://drupal.org/node/1047632, but for now, what about taking dev support
off this list since there's such a good alternative?


Randy Fay
Drupal Module and Site Development
randy at randyfay.com
+1  970.462.7450
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